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$10.7BN gambling tax revenue: Andrews government accused of “social injustice”

The Andrews government could raise almost $10.7 billion in gambling taxes if he is once again elected as Victorian Premier.

And according to critics, that’s not a good thing.

Estimates show almost $2.7 billion a year for four years will be raised by the Victorian Labor government from gaming machines, racing, the casino and lotteries.

It comes as anti-gambling campaigners call for more support for gambling addiction.

Alliance for Gambling chief Carol Bennett said urgency is required in the battle against problem gambling, with programs including independent scrutiny of gambling and further work on issues such as public health.

“We need everything in this sector, there is so much harm,” Bennett said.

Anti-gambling advocate Tim Costello called the Labor Party a “party of social injustice”.

Costello wants Victoria to follow Tasmania in introducing a cashless card for poker machines, which is due to be operating by the end of 2024. The card will have default limits of $100 a day and $500 a month and a hard limit of $5000 a year unless gamblers can prove they have the means to spend more.

A Labor spokeswoman defended the party saying Labor had a strong record of pursuing harm minimisation.

“In Victoria, venues have to comply with strengthened harm minimisation requirements, and venue operators now have a duty of care to take all reasonable steps to prevent and minimise harm from the operation of gaming mach­ines,” she said.

“We established the Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission to provide stronger, more focused regulation of Victoria’s casino and have oversight of all gambling and gaming activities within Victoria – from pubs and clubs through to the casino.

“Gambling harm minimisation is a central part and focus of the VGCCC’s core business.”

“We’ve delivered the largest investment to tackle gambling-­related harm in Victoria’s history to the Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation.”


Jonathan Jackson - 16-11-22