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Mandurah pub bashing leaves victim fighting for life

A man who was allegedly punched unconscious and kicked in the head at the Mandurah pub is now fighting for life.

The 47-year-old father was attacked at around 10.40pm on Saturday at the Cobblers Tavern in Falcon while drinking with friends.

The accused attacker Grant Christopher Matsias, 36 has labelled the assault as a “huge mistake”. He is alleged to have approached the victim, Anthony Bray, who he punched in the face and upper torso without warning, causing Bray to fall backwards and hit his head on the floor.

Northbridge Magistrates Court heard on Sunday that Bray lost consciousness and was bleeding out of his ear. Then, while on the ground and unconscious, was kicked in the head.

Matsias allegedly left the tavern but was arrested shortly after at his home.

Bray suffered bleeding on the brain and was taken to Royal Perth Hospital, where he is in a critical condition.

Matsias said the victim grabbed his shoulder.

“I was probably drinking a little bit too much,” Matsias said from the dock.

“There was an altercation beforehand and it was taken out of context.

“It was a huge mistake on my part.”

Bail was granted with a $15,000 surety and personal undertaking with conditions, despite prosecution opposition

“The amount of bail will be substantial to reflect the seriousness of the allegations,” Magistrate Stephen Wilson said.

“You’re facing a very serious charge with very serious allegations attached to it.

“I would suggest you seek some legal advice immediately in relation to where this is all leading to.”

Bail conditions include a ban from leaving WA and from entering within 75m of the international airport — unless attending Perth Airport for work. He must also have no contact with Bray and not enter a licensed premises or consume alcohol.

Matsias will appear in Mandurah Magistrates Court on 3 February.


Jonathan Jackson - 18th January 2023