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Asian fusion restaurant Mr Miyagi all about defence when it comes to Russell Crowe

Australian acting royalty Russel Crowe was refused entry to popular Melbourne restaurant Mr Miyagi, for not meeting its dress standards.

The Oscar winner and his girlfriend had finished a set of tennis and were looking for a quick bit to eat.

Mr Miyagi wasn’t the place to go.

The restaurant has a very strict dress code.

Crowe’s manager Grant Vandenberg told the Daily Mail, "He (Russell) went there wearing a brand-new Ralph Lauren polo having just played a game of tennis and was turned away.”

Mr Miyagi and Crowe have since been in contact.

The restaurant’s does not allow flip-flops or active wear.

Owner Kristian Klein told the Daily Herald that the pair were wearing "slobby gym gear".

"It doesn't matter who you are or if you are Russell Crowe," Klein said. "We've got a dress code that we push across every level.

“We're not trying to teach people how to dress. But I know personally if I'm in my thongs and my boardies, I'm not going to try and go to a nice restaurant, because I wouldn't be dressed appropriately." 

According to Klein, the staff member who refused entry had no idea who Crowe was. "We’d love for him come to dinner, we’d love to have him back," Klein told the Sydney Morning Herald. 


Jonathan Jackson - 27-2-23