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Manly hotels help victims of a “drug affected” rampage

A popular Sydney tourist spot was the scene of three vicious attacks by a man who has pleaded guilty to one count of assault occasioning actual bodily harm and two counts of common assault.

Deep Cao, 39, of Manly, was accused of coward punching three random strangers within a 25-minute period in and around The Corso — the pedestrian mall between the ferry wharf and the beach at Manly.

The incident occurred on Friday, 10 February with Cao facing court on Wednesday 1 March via an audio video link.

The Manly court was told the incident was a drug affected” daylight rampage.

The court heard two victims were hit in the face, with police submitting facts sheet stating that Cao was witnessed walking around The Corso “acting in an agitated drug affected manner”.

Police alleged his behaviour was “causing fear and alarm to the general public”.

The court heard that in the first incident, Cao set next to a man outside the Coles supermarket and asked for a cigarette. He then punched the man “with great force” in the left shoulder and shouted “I will get you C***” before walking east towards the beach.

Around 10 minutes later, Cao approached another man and punched him, without warning to the left side of the face. The victim reported the incident to police at the New Brighton Hotel.

Cao approached a third man at 12.15pm and also hit him in the face, causing him to fall to the ground. The third victim suffered cuts to his lip and nose and had to be helped by staff from the Hotel Steyne.

Police were able to obtain CCTV footage of the assault near the Hotel Steyne.

An updated psychiatric report on Cao was ordered by Magistrate Robyn Denes.

Cao will face Manly court again on 4 April.


Jonathan Jackson - 2-3-23