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Popular burger joint joins the liquidation queue

Another day, another liquidation.

This time a popular bar and burger joint in Melbourne’s inner city has shut its doors and called in the receivers.

The Beer & Burger Bar Pty Ltd, based in Melbourne suburb Cremorne struggled to find its feet post COVID and became another pandemic hospitality victim.

The restaurant has closed its doors owing around half a million dollars to 10 creditors, including the Australian Taxation Office. 

Several staff members are also understood to have lost their jobs. 

Heading up the liquidation will be Mathew Gollant of insolvency firm CJG Advisory. 

The Beer & Burger Bar was a popular venue with a following of 8000 on Instagram.

However, popularity didn’t equate to profit with the restaurant hit by cost of living pressures and staff shortages.

Staff shortages and the cost-of-living crisis were behind the restaurant’s failure to turn a profit.

Gollant told that several staff including a company directors were owed some entitlements. 

“All staff have been terminated,” Gollant said. 

“Debt accumulated during the pandemic. 

“They had cash flow issues … It was not a sustainable situation.”

Creditors are not expected to receive a dividend. 

Evidence of the venue’s struggles came to light in August 2022 when it posted: “Due to staff shortages we will be closed Sunday 14th Aug. Back Wednesday 17th from 12pm.”

The rot has set in across the country with Brisbane’s Bella and Tortie closing in December and La Quinta Mexican Cafe and Bar and Amante Tapas and Vino, also in Brisbane, closing in January.


Jonathan Jackson - 14-3-23