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Double Bay’s dog-owners leave clean up packages for Neil Perry

Neil Perry can add another string to his very long, talented bow.

The celebrity chef and owner of Margaret and Next Door in Double Bay, Sydney was pictured picking up dog poo outside his eatery recently.

The snap came shortly after an abusive diner threatened to smear their dog’s doings all over the Next Door diner.

The reason for the anger: Perry’s inability to accommodate al fresco dining.

“This is one of the reasons why I never read Google reviews,” Perry huffed online. “They are in the main driven by people who are not serious about the food and service experience.”

Perry posted pictures of himself cleaning up the footpath outside his restaurants with the caption: “Cleaning the dog s…t and piss off the street this morning,”

Next Door is next to sister restaurant Margaret and attract a similar clientele.

“Different day, same sh.., seriously,” he sighed in another photograph which showed a sturdy metal pole splashed with a cataract of water.


15th March 2023