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Palm Cove resort plans rejected by locals

A Palm Cove resort development has received more than 300 objections.

Locals submitted objections to council in a bid to stop a proposed six-storey resort, apartments and villas at Palm Cove.

Residents from throughout Cairns and interstate property owners have united against the northern beaches proposal.

Objections close on 5 April.

Resident Cynthia Cole gathered more than 800 objections and is expected to gather more to present to council.

While not against development, Cole said the adage “nothing higher than a palm tree” was a sentiment that must be maintained.

“We would like for Palm Cove to remain in essence in its current idyllic village atmosphere with its low rise buildings,” Ms Cole said as she urged council to protect the area.

Cairns Combined Beaches Community Association president Warren Herkess is concerned overt the impact on infrastructure and water run-off issues.

“These guys just continue to push the envelope,” Herkess said.

“Council is weak as water and the planners are all wet behind the ears, so they just have no idea what the community wants.

“I think this one will probably end up in court if the council don’t adhere to what the community wants.”

Resident Gerhard Labuschagne would welcome a development; however height is a concern.

“Last year we stole an incredible amount of the Noosa holiday-makers due to the bad weather they had, and many of those guests have rebooked us this year because Palm Cove reminded them of something Noosa once was,” Labuschagne said.

“No village has a commercial building towering over it.”

The proposed 120-room resort would feature a gym and day spa, pool bar, and boutique retail, restaurant and conference facilities.



Irit Jackson, 5th April 2023