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$8000 fines for eatery

The owner of a Newcastle bakery pleaded guilty to two breaches of the Food Safety Standards in Newcastle Local Court yesterday.

Council's Compliance Services team prosecuted Newcastle Bakehouse Pty Limited for failing to keep the premises to a standard of cleanliness required by the Standards, and for failing to take all practicable measures to eradicate and prevent harbourage for pests.

The charges arose from an inspection of the premises at 87 Hunter St Newcastle on 16 June 2011.

Environmental Health Officers found live and dead cockroaches in various locations within the premises. The Bakehouse was also in an unclean condition with food waste, grease, rubbish and cockroach faecal material in the premises.

Magistrate Cheetham fined the defendant a total $8000 and court costs.

Council's Compliance Services Manager ADAM GILLIGAN says the case is a reminder to food businesses to ensure that food is prepared in a safe and healthy environment.

“Preparing food for sale in unclean environments creates a risk of contamination of food and food borne illness. Food businesses need to make sure that cleaning and pest control are integral parts of their activities.”

“Good pest control is not just about regular treatment by a pest controller – food businesses should also make sure that pests are kept out of the kitchen and are not provided places to live, eat and breed within the premises.”


Source: The City of Newcastle, 8 September 2012