Dilmah Tea aficionado Merrill J. Fernando says Australians are wrong on high tea.
Dilmah Tea aficionado Merrill J. Fernando says Australians are wrong on high tea.
Photo: Michael Clayton-Jones


Once the preserve of posh ladies with pearls, high tea is attracting a hip crowd in Melbourne. But according to the founder of one of the world's biggest independent tea brands, many purveyors are doing it incorrectly.

Dilmah's Merrill J. Fernando, who is in Australia to judge the company's tea-inspired cooking competition, says Australians are mistaken if they think what they consume in hotels and bars is high tea.

''High tea has become the thing to call it, but we use the correct term, which is afternoon tea,'' he told The Sunday Age. ''Afternoon tea is the traditional repast of scones, tea and sandwiches … High tea was originally done before supper at 5pm. It was a heavier meal for the working classes, served 'high' at the counter or kitchen table.''

The 82-year-old Sri Lankan, who founded Dilmah in 1974, says tea-drinking traditions have also been corrupted.

Nowadays, you only get a choice of one type of tea. But when afternoon teas were originally in vogue in England, you had a wide choice of tea - correctly made, traditional tea with different origins … We want to put the tea back in afternoon tea.''

Indeed, at many of Melbourne's new high teas, tea drinking is merely a pretext for libation and decadent behaviour.

One of the most liberal interpretations is at Madame Brussels' rooftop bar, where a young crowd eschews tea in favour of large jugs of boozy punch and finger foods such as curried egg sandwiches.

Others incorporate more sober distractions, including the ''massage and manicures'' high tea in the tea rooms at the Royal Botanic Gardens, and the arts-and-craft high tea parties at the Cristina Re shop in Collingwood.

Australian connoisseur Michelle Milton, who reviews high teas around the world on her website highteasociety.com, says the surge in high tea offerings is not commensurate with quality. ''There are pubs, river cruises and local cafes that say they serve high tea, but not a lot of them actually provide the level of quality that you would expect,'' she said.

''Even five-star hotels in Australia, purporting to do high tea, still present you with a selection of tea bags.''

The Windsor hotel also uses the traditional nomenclature and serves 15 varieties of loose-leaf teas at its ''afternoon teas''.

The hotel's marketing manager Victoria Batters said bookings for afternoon tea has jumped from 700 to 1000 a week in the past year. '