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Is a specials menu used to move ageing produce?

Manu Feildel has given away an industry secret about specials menus.

The celebrity chef told The Kyle and Jackie O Show that the specials board has several purposes depending on where you go.

“It depends where you go. If you go to the coffee shop on the corner, maybe they're trying to get rid of what's at the back of the fridge,” said Feildel.

“But if you go to a restaurant, a special is a special. That's why it's called special.”

Sandilands pressed Fieldel on the issue of moving on ageing product.

“Isn't that the same as the old meat at Coles, the one that's gone grey with the ‘special’ sticker?”

“No, it's not special. But the price is special,” Manu replied.

The radio hosts thanked the 49-year-old My Kitchen Rules host for his candour.

“Well thank you for the truth, Manu. So, some restaurants are doing that as a business, but at the top end of town reputation matter and they're doing it as a creative outlet.”

“So we were both right,” said Jackie.

Fieldel was the butt of a cruel prank on the show orchestrated by his son Jonti, who recently signed with the South Sydney Rabbitohs' junior division.

The celebrity chef’s son called into the show, telling his dad that he'd ruined his NRL career after a weekend drug binge.

“I f**ked up, dad. Next week, the Bunnies are going to drug test us,” Jonti joked.

“I went and smoked weed with my friends last weekend so I'm not sure if it's going to be in my system or not.”

Fieldel’s anger boiled over as he swore at his son and his indiscretion.

“We've talked about this. Think about your freaking career, man. I don't want to tell you off, Jonti. I really don't want to tell you off, but you know you've got to grow up.”

Feildel was adamant his son would have to take responsibility for his actions, but was relieved once the prank was revealed.


Jonathan Jackson, 15th February 2024