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Chefs down and dirty, to be closer to the food they're cooking

Chef-turned farmer Jerome Hoban at his Cardinia property.Chef-turned farmer Jerome Hoban at his Cardinia property. Photo: Ken Irwin

In the age of the kitchen garden, when chefs know as much about planting food as they do about cooking it, Jerome Hoban has gone further. After more than 12 years as a chef, he's become a farmer.

Hoban's transition was natural. As well as growing up in the country, he says his interest in where food comes from was strengthened as a chef. So when a game farm came up for sale in Cardinia three years ago, the time felt right for change. ''Farming is no easier than running a kitchen,'' says Hoban. ''The hours are similar, my day starts much earlier now, as opposed to running a kitchen where your day ends late.''

After working abroad and then at the Melbourne Wine Room, Donovans and his own restaurant in Albert Park, he'd had enough of working in the kitchen and believed his experience would help him as a partridge, guinea fowl and pheasant farmer.

''I guess what has been a huge benefit is that I can understand what chefs are looking for and I know what they are doing with each product.''

Chefs and sommeliers are increasingly taking on greater producing roles in Victoria, from career changes to sommeliers creating their own wine labels and chefs expanding and devoting more time - and space - to their own kitchen gardens.

''Chefs have always put so much in their food and now more and more are taking it to the next level,'' says Natalie O'Brien, head of Melbourne Food and Wine. ''The industry has developed a lovely rich connection to the earth … we are seeing menus telling these stories. That is influencing consumers as well, who are also increasingly dabbling in the garden.''

Producers such as Hoban represent a key theme in Melbourne's Spring Graze festival this year - food produce. The festa, which runs until the end of the month, has more than 50 events running on the subject.

Tim Wyatt, who was a chef for a decade before becoming an organic vegetable producer, says he made the change because he ''just needed to get on the land and produce''.

Wyatt, of Angelica Organic Farm in Glenlyon, also thought his cooking career would give an advantage.

''I personally feel my best with my hands in the soil, I have a connection with the land that I never had in the kitchen,'' he says. And former restaurant critic Matthew Evans started anew in a farm in Tasmania.

Sommeliers are also crossing the service floor and trying their hand at making wine. Liam O'Brien (Cutler & Co) and Matt Brooke (Circa) are making their own wine and consultants Dan Sims and Ben Edwards, of The Wine Guide, are too. ''It's something you always want to do, and we tried to go out of our comfort zone,'' says Sims. The pair are making three wines from Malbec grapes in Argentina. ''It was intimidating - a lot of pressure professionally and financially,'' says Sims.

Most commonly, chefs concentrate on the role of cook and gardener. As Stephanie Alexander's Kitchen Garden Foundation marks its 10-year anniversary, it has become normal for gardening to be part of a chef's gig.

Matt Wilkinson has a garden out the back of Pope Joan, as does Nicolas Poelaert of Embrasse, and Annie Smithers' Bistrot is known for its acre garden at Malmsbury. Smithers says growing produce offers a deeper food connection. ''You get to know that every food and vegetable tells you a story. You know what it has been through, and you know it intimately before you bring it into the kitchen to cook it.''

For Spring Graze details visit:

Source: The Sydney Morning Herald, 16 September 2012