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Tattoo policy at Burleigh Pavilion too strong for Australian Survivor contestant

Australian Survivor contestant Jaden Laing has questioned a Gold Coast pub’s tattoo restrictions.

Laing, who finished 10th this season, posted a video to his social media accounts showing him trying to enter the popular Burleigh Pavilion at Burleigh Heads.

The beachside pub is known for denying entry to people with “intimidating, aggressive, or offensive tattoos”.

Laing has prominent tribal tattoos on his upper body and neck.

He tried to enter the pub wearing a turtleneck. It came the same night a woman with a full sleeve tattoo was allowed entry.

“I’m getting into Burleigh Pav,” Laing said in the video.

“I’m going to be the first Islander in Burleigh Pav, with neck tattoos, in history.”
Laing, who has 580,000 followers on TikTok, did not make it in.

“Can I just have a look?” the staffer asked Laing when he approached the entrance. “You have to show me, I’m sorry, it’s our policy.”

“I’m covered up. I’m just coming in for a beer, bro,” Laing said before saying he wasn’t comfortable showing his neck.

The issue was escalated to a manager, who again reiterated the policy.

“You can’t come in. We need to see if there’s anything on your neck, if you don’t want to show us we can’t let you in,” he said.

“But my neck is covered,” Laing replied.

The manager said: “it doesn’t matter”.

“You can’t cover up tattoos. It’s part of our policy.”

Lang’s Survivor: Titans V Rebels castmate Nathan Freeman was also in attendance.

The pub’s website states:

“Guests with tattoos are welcome at our venue, however, our policy does not permit intimidating, aggressive, or offensive tattoos, clothing or behaviour which may offend or intimidate other guest or staff.

“Tattoos on the neck, head and face are viewed as increased intimidation in that order.

“This practice is common among licensed venues and is in place to ensure the comfort and enjoyment of all our guests. Covering up these tattoos does not allow entry.

“Management reserves the right to refuse entry to any person they deem unsuitable for entry.”
Laing’s followers were surprised by the rules, with some calling them discriminatory.

“I don’t understand. The tattoos are covered, shouldn’t be an issue,” one said.

“I literally don’t understand why this is a rule,” another said.

“It’s 2024! What’s wrong with a neck tattoo? and, “No idea how venues get away with this still”.

Laing finished the video cheekily saying he bought the turtleneck for nothing.



Jonathan Jackson, 13th May 2024