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AVO taken out to protect Merivale’s Justin Hemmes

An apprehended violence order (AVO) has been taken out by police to protect pub baron Justin Hemmes.

The AVO against a 48-year-old man was applied for on July 19 with the matter to be heard in court on August 2.

The man is not known to Hemmes but is currently detained for assessment in a mental health facility over separate intimidation incidences.

No charges relating to Hemmes AVO have been laid so far.

“Clearly he is somebody who is not in any condition to have a conversation,” Magistrate Miranda Moody said of the man who did not appear via video link at Downing Centre Local Court on Tuesday.

The appearance was for separate matters, but according to the man’s legal aid lawyer was “unable to get instructions” from his client.

The man did not make a bail application, but legal aid successfully appealed to Magistrate Moody for a mental health assessment.

No pleas have been made regarding the separate incidents which relate to incidents against three separate people in June and July.

The man has been detained in a mental health facility for assessment. If he is found not to be a mentally ill person or mentally disordered, another court date could await.


Jonathan Jackson, 25th July 2024