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Canberra restaurant Dieci closes under liquidation

Liquidators say a Canberra city restaurant will be closed tomorrow and staff will be deployed to other parts of the related businesses.

ACT Supreme Court Acting Registrar Grant Kennealy placed Fiona Wright's four companies into liquidation on Tuesday.

In a written statement Fiona Wright describes the proceedings as a terrible blow, saying she is devastated to see her life's work torn apart.

Ms Wright describes the outcome as unfounded and callous and she has vowed to seek further legal advice.

The court appointed liquidator Henry Kazar says the Civic restaurant Dieci, which is operated by one of the companies, will close tomorrow and staff will be deployed to other parts of the business.

The liquidator says the two trading companies, Wrights Fine Food Pty Ltd and Ten and a Half Pty Ltd will continue to trade to maximise the return for creditors including the ACT Revenue Office.

The companies provide cafeteria services at Defence headquarters and catering at the National Gallery of Australia.

The liquidator says the companies employ 140 staff and it will take weeks to determine the financial position.


Source: ABC News, 11 October 2012