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Feeling the heat in a star's kitchen

All go ... Derryn Hinch and Jacki Weaver with Luke Mangan at Glass on Friday.
All go ... Derryn Hinch and Jacki Weaver with Luke Mangan at Glass on Friday.


''Rocket salad, a dozen natural pacific, anchovies and the souffle should be three minutes now … pork belly … half kilpatrick, half tempura on one plate!''

Sous chef Peter Cassidy barks out orders like a drill sergeant in the US military.

The whole steamy, manic operation is the territory of celebrity chef Luke Mangan and it takes a brave man who enters his domain - the front line at Glass brasserie at the Sydney Hilton.

Luke Mangan at work in the kitchen.
Luke Mangan at work in the kitchen.

The team has served 270 covers for lunch and now, after just an hour-and-a-half's gap, are in the middle of serving dinner to another 150. It's a good job they butchered the four suckling pigs yesterday.

It's best to pick your moment for questions, given the reputation of some big-name chefs. You might cop a tirade of expletives. In the face.

Mangan's culinary empire also includes the Salt grill at Surfers Paradise, Salt on three P&O liners, in Singapore, Tokyo, Jakarta and for Virgin airlines. He's cooked for Bill Clinton, Richard Branson and Princess Mary and Prince Frederik of Denmark.

Among those he was cooking for on Friday night were broadcaster Derryn Hinch catching up with his former wife Jacki Weaver.

Evidently flourishing after a liver transplant, Hinch is back in town to work for Channel Seven after his recent sacking from Melbourne radio station 3AW.

He said last month: ''My doctor says I've got a Rolls-Royce liver - and now I'm back at the Rolls-Royce network. I can't wait to get started.''

Back in the kitchen, Cello Georgouras, a fourth-year apprentice, is the man responsible for the oysters. ''If you can't shuck 10 in two minutes then you should be working at the fish market,'' he says.

Joe Pavlovich is executive chef for the Mangan empire and has a ''love-hate'' relationship with the boss. He says: ''We are like a married couple sometimes, 12 years is a long time. He is quite strong minded, I am quite strong minded and we clash sometimes.''

As service continues, Mangan and Pavlovich are tasting new dishes for a banquet in Japan. The menu features poached salmon in a green curry sauce and papaya, and a steamed meringue with a Disaronno sauce (that's a Spanish liqueur).

Mangan is free for a moment and offers some thoughts on a few topics: Sydney in three years' time? ''I think the more intimate restaurant is going to come back. I think molecular cooking is probably on its way out, that stuff Heston [Blumenthal] does, there's going to be bits of it around - in cooking you always get the copycats but they don't really know the fundamentals of it.''

Mangan thinks there will be more small bars serving tapas and snacks - a good job because he has just bought a warehouse in Waterloo that will be his empire's headquarters - along with a tapas cafe/wine bar, ''funky design milkcrates'' and Salt grill at the back - planned to open in January.

And there's the organic baby food to be launched, also in January.

''I first went to Heinz and said, 'I think there's a market, shall we do something in partnership?' And they said 'No, we don't want to know.' So

I thought, f--- it, I'll do it myself.''

Now, Mangan is running out of time and it feels like an episode of MasterChef when they start the countdown before declaring ''Stand by your benches!''

10, 9, 8 … What does Mangan think of Ramsay? ''I know Gordon. To me he's a nice normal bloke. When you see him on TV shows he's a different character. He's a perfectionist, he's a nutter …''

7, 6, 5 … The best kept secret in Sydney? ''There's so many - I like Buzo, a little Italian restaurant in Paddington, quite hidden, cosy, great simple food.''

3,2, 1 … What does he hate? ''People who season their food before they taste it.''

Celebs who order off the menu? ''I'm a big believer in giving the customer what they want.''

''Is that all?'' he asks, clearly pressed for time.

''Yes Chef.''


Source: The Sydney Morning Herald, 14 October 2012