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Good Fork Week launches to help Aussie diners fight obesity

With 64 per cent of Aussies eating out or eating takeaway at least once a week1 and 61 per cent of adults in Australia either overweight or obese2, chefs have a major role to play in regards to the health of Australians.

Unilever Food Solutions, Obesity Prevention Australia and world renowned Australian chef, Christine Manfield are encouraging chefs to help tackle the obesity epidemic and take part in the inaugural Good Fork Week; launched on Thursday 11 October at Ms Manfield’s award winning Universal restaurant.

Levi Walz Obesity Prevention Australia, Ambassador Christine Manfield and Yezdi Daruwalla, Unilever Food Solutions Launch Good Fork Week 2


“The idea behind Good Fork Week stemmed from the findings of our third World Menu Report which highlights that foodservice venues around the world are not meeting their diners’ needs when it comes to providing nutritious options on their menu,” Yezdi Daruwalla, Managing Director of Unilever Food Solutions, explains.

“Our report found that 74% of Aussie diners would prefer healthy food options when eating out but many feel that the healthier options on menus are ‘more expensive’ and are often ‘not very filling’3. Chefs across Australia can help diners eat more nutritiously without having to compromise on taste and experience by making small changes to their menu,” said Mr Daruwalla.

From 22 – 28 October, hundreds of chefs around the country participating in Good Fork Week will commit to make a small change to a menu item and make it more nutritious. This action can show Aussie diners they can eat better out of home while also kick starting a change in the food service industry.

Australian chef, Christine Manfield, will be keeping this in mind for her menu during Good Fork Week and beyond.

Good Fork Week Ambassador Christine Manfield


“I am passionate about helping educate the Australian public on making smarter food choices. I have always been conscious as a chef to serve food to my guests that they will not only enjoy, but food that is delicious and nutritious. Hopefully by being mindful of the food I put on my menu, I can do my part to help tackle obesity in Australia,” Ms Manfield said.

Education of chefs and consumers is integral to the initiative, with Unilever Food Solutions providing kitchens across Australia with tools to help make their menu both more seductive and nutritious. CEO of Obesity Prevention Australia, Levi Walz, believes that Good Fork Week is a step in the right direction when it comes to tackling Australia’s obesity epidemic.

“98 per cent of Australian diners do not know their recommended daily fat intake4, which I think shows just how far we have to go in educating Australians in regards to their health,” Mr Walz said.

“An initiative such as Good Fork Week gives chefs across Australia the chance to both educate and treat their customers; we call it seductive nutrition. Participation in Good Fork Week requires only small changes to a restaurant’s menu, so it is a great opportunity for chefs to show they have their customer’s health at heart,” Mr Walz concluded.

For more information in regards to Good Fork Week, or to find your local participating Good Fork Week restaurant, please visit


1. Unilever Food Solutions World Menu Report Three, 2012
2. Australian Bureau of Statistics, Overweight and Obesity in Adults in Australia: A Snapshot, 2007–08

3. Unilever Food Solutions World Menu Report Three, 2012

4. Unilever Food Solutions World Menu Report Three, 2012