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Avo avalanche as bumper crop lands for summer

Avocado prices could be a bit lower this summer with the unusually high crop of Aussie avocados en route to the market over the festive season.

Good growing conditions in Western Australia and Sunrasia is delivering a boon of consistent quality at good prices.

According to John Tyas CEO of Avocados Australia Hass avocados are plentiful at this time of year.

“Fruit is being sourced from both Western Australia and the Sunraysia region and these areas have a reputation for producing premium quality fruit for the market place,” said Tyas.

“Western Australia in particular is expected to have a large Hass crop this season which means plenty of great quality Australian avocados throughout summer.”

Recent figures released show Australia has the highest avocado consumption rate per capita than any other English speaking country in the world, Australian consumers eat around 2.7 kilograms of avocado a year per person – which is an amazing increase of more than 106% in the last decade.

In the next four years the industry expects to increase consumption even further with an ultimate goal of 5kg per person.


Source: FoodService, 8 November 2012