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One drinking spot for every 317 Australians

The number of liquor licences issued by authorities has skyrocketed across the country, with one licensed premises for every 317 drinking-age Australians.

At a time when state governments have stressed the need to reduce alcohol-fuelled violence, new research from Flinders University in Adelaide has found the number of liquor licences increased by 120 per cent in Victoria and 60 per cent in South Australia since 1996.

The number of licensed premises in NSW and Western Australia also rose by 10 per cent and 7 per cent respectively in the five years to 2009. The study, led by Flinders University addiction expert Ann Roche with the assistance of South Australian Police, also examined the views held by police on liquor laws.

"It's not just the number of the licences, it's the nature of the licences," Professor Roche said.

She said a big change in recent years has been the growth of the night-time economy. "People expect to be able to stay out all night and access alcohol, food, transportation and entertainment.

"It also means that licensed premises that have extended trading hours may also be associated with increased levels of consumption and increased levels of intoxication."


Source: The Australian, 14 November 2012