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Strengthening ties with Japan

The opening of MLA’s new Japan office in this week highlighted the strength of the relationship with Australia’s largest beef export market.

Located in central Tokyo, the new MLA office was opened on 19 November at a reception attended by more than 80 key customers from retail, foodservice and trade.

Speakers at the event included the Australian Ambassador to Japan Bruce Miller, MLA Chairman Rob Anderson and Regional Manager Melanie Brock.

In his address, Ambassador Miller spoke of the importance of concluding an Australia–Japan free trade agreement, with agriculture one of the key issues in ongoing negotiations.

He outlined many of the benefits that would flow from concluding a deal that would the lower costs of Australian beef from the removal of a 38.5% tariff.

Ambassador Miller stressed the importance of achieving an FTA that delivers real benefits, and was positive about the progress made in negotiations over the past year.

MLA Chairman Rob Anderson described the strong relationship between Australian and Japanese industry, and how Australian producers are meeting the needs of Japanese consumers.

Regional Manager Melanie Brock said the opening of the new office represented an new chapter in MLA’s operations in Japan.


Source: Meat & Livestock Australia, 23 November 2012