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Problem gamblers just can't win

Problem gamblers will be forced to hand over their jackpot wins to charities under tough new harm-minimisation laws being considered by the state government.

The laws would apply to gamblers who have completed a self-exclusion agreement with a club, hotel or casino.

The move follows discussions between ClubsNSW, counsellors and the state government, with the proposal to go to cabinet early next year.

Prize forfeiture was a key recommendation of the Productivity Commission in its 2010 report into gambling and was also supported by the federal Parliamentary Joint Select Committee on Gambling Reform.

Problem gamblers would be forced to give winnings to charity under new harm-minimisation laws.
Source: The Daily Telegraph

Gamblers who cash out $2000 or more in winnings in NSW must do so via a cheque.

Under the changes, staff processing the cheque would first check if the person was on a self-exclusion program. If the gambler is on the list, the winner would be forced to hand over the money to a charity for gambling support programs.

The move is strategic for the clubs industry, which is desperate to avoid another costly bloodbath over pokies reforms such as the one it had with the federal government over the ill-fated mandatory pre-commitment scheme.

Clubs Australia executive director Anthony Ball said the idea came from discussions between clubs and gambling counsellors about what causes some problem gamblers to breach self-exclusion agreements: "We know sometimes a problem gambler will breach their self-exclusion agreement in a moment of weakness, especially in the first six months of the program.

"Problem gamblers overwhelmingly state the reason for this breach is the misguided belief that a big jackpot win is just around the corner.

"These changes would be a road block for problem gamblers breaching their self-exclusion agreements."

Hospitality and Racing Minister George Souris confirmed the government was examining the proposal: "The government welcomes innovative ideas from the industry and will give the proposal due consideration."

The clubs industry is rolling out online technology to venues across all states and territories, which will enable gamblers to self-exclude from up to 25 separate clubs.

ClubsNSW also wants to allow families to be able to legally exclude a relative with a gambling addiction.

According to the latest figures from the Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority, the vast majority of gamblers on a self-exclusion list had breached the order.

Sydney psychiatrist and punter, Dr Clive Allcock welcomed the idea.

"Taking away the possibility of winning a prize is an excellent idea, because it's the core of what makes a gambler go back to a club," he said.


Source: The Daily Telegraph, 6 December 2012