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New alcohol alliance predicts 300 drink deaths this summer

Heavy drinking will kill 300 people and cause thousands more to be assaulted or put in hospital this summer, according to fresh analysis from a new body, the NSW/ACT Alcohol Policy Alliance.

The alliance of health and police groups is calling Thursday for urgent action to stop alcohol-related violence, injuries and harmful behaviour.

It predicts there will be 300 deaths, 12,000 hospitalisations and nearly 7900 assaults linked to alcohol over the next three months, if patterns from previous years are repeated.

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Worrying ... heavy drinking will kill 300 people this summer according to fresh analysis from a new body, the NSW/ACT Alcohol Policy Alliance.
Photo: Arsineh Houspian


All-in-all about $12 million of police time will be consumed by the issue according to the alliance, which includes the Australian Medical Association (NSW), the Police Association of NSW, and the Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education.

The chief executive of the foundation, Michael Thorn, said the government needed to act on the research, which indicated the problem should be dealt with by reducing availability and increasing prices.

''The government has shown it understands there is a problem, but I don't think the tentative steps they have taken will work,'' he said.

''Things like ID scanners and drug dogs have all been shown not to work.''

He said there had been an increase in dangerous levels of drinking, such as drinking more than 10 standard drinks in a session.

On Tuesday Fairfax Media reported Australia's largest study into alcohol-related nightlife crime had found people are increasingly drinking before they go out to avoid high alcohol prices in venues.

''We have got law enforcement groups, public health, medical, education, even alcohol and drug treatment groups saying 'we have got to do more about prevention','' he said.

Alcohol consumption had steadied at about 10 litres per person annually.

This is still above recommended guidelines, particularly as 20 per cent of people do not drink.

The alliance's research also found alcohol-related harms such as assaults on police and domestic violence peak in summer, and that alcohol is responsible for more than half of all drug treatment visits.

An AMA member and oral and maxillofacial surgeon at Westmead Hospital, Peter Aquilina, said he treated injuries from alcohol-related violence every week.

''Every time I'm on call there would almost certainly be some facial fractures from people punching each other or kicking each other,'' he said.

Injuries range from fractured eye sockets and jaws, which were usually able to be fixed although they could leave permanent nerve damage, through to long-term brain damage and vision problems.

''It's also very common for them to lose teeth and very often it becomes prohibitively costly for them to go to a dentist and have their teeth replaced,'' he said. He said the damage he had seen had prompted him to get involved with the campaign.

''Ideally people would stop getting drunk and hitting each other, but that's not going to happen,'' he said. ''People need to be aware that it's not like in the movies, where you punch someone in the face and they get up and walk off.''

Dr Aquilina said he believed alcohol-related injuries had become more common over the past 10 years. In the past he had mainly treated car injuries, but these had decreased because of improved car safety. Alcohol-related injuries had taken their place.

The alliance is also launching a new advertising campaign about alcohol-related harm and violence.


Source: The Sydney Morning Herald1 13 December 2012