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New CEO takes the reins at Tourism Tasmania

The Minister for Tourism, Scott Bacon, said incoming Tourism Tasmania Chief Executive, John Fitzgerald, would continue to work closely with the industry as the full impact of the Tasmanian bushfires becomes clear.

Mr Bacon said Mr Fitzgerald started in the role on Monday, and had played a key role in working with the industry on issues that had arisen as a result of the bushfires.

"This has been a challenging first week for John, with a number of issues confronting operators affected by the bushfires," Mr Bacon said.

"John has helped guide Tourism Tasmania, as the organisation works with the state's Regional Tourism Organisations and the Tourism Industry Council of Tasmania to ensure visitors, operators and interstate and overseas travel media are informed about what is happening here in Tasmania.

"There is still a considerable amount of work to be done in response, though, and John's work will be critical in developing new campaigns as a result of the fires to remind visitors that Tasmania is still open for business and ready to receive visitors.

"I thank him for his work to date, and look forward to working with him to help support and grow this vital part of our economy into the future."

Tourism Tasmania will meet with the heads of the state's Tourism Industry Council and four regional tourism organisations on Monday to discuss the details, timing and implementation of the proposed campaigns.

For more information on the fire situation and support services, contact 1800 567 567. Up-to-date information on the fires can also be found at the Tasmania Fire Service website Information on grants and other support available to those affected by fires can be found at


Source: Accommodation Association of Australia, 11 January 2013