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Brisbane back to business

Brisbane has weathered the weekend storms well with the business district open and back to business as usual, Lord Mayor of Brisbane Graham Quirk said.

"The airport is open, roads and trains into the CBD are open and running and the business and retail centres are trading as usual," he said.

"All hotels, events and attractions are open.

"While some suburbs are still experiencing power and water difficulties, the clean-up and repairs are well underway, most of Brisbane is well and truly back on its feet and the business district is fully operational.

"There is no reason for people planning to travel to Brisbane for business, holidays or study to change those plans, the sun is out and we're ready to welcome you."

Cr Quirk said he was proud of the resilience of the city.

"Brisbane was certainly more fortunate than many country areas – and I know many of us are either donating to the Queensland Flood Appeal or volunteering to help where we can.

"As the Chair of the South East Queensland councils, I will be working to provide support to harder-hit surrounding areas.

"But I would like to pay tribute to the foresight and planning of the people of Brisbane who took preventative action to minimise damage with great success."

In related news, every dollar donated to the Queensland Flood Appeal 2013 will go to flooded Queenslanders who are most at need, with the State Government forming a new committee to oversee the distribution of all funds raised.

Premier Campbell Newman today announced the membership of the committee, which will be chaired by former Queensland Treasurer and Deputy Premier Terry Mackenroth.

Other committee members are:

  • Chair of the Red Cross Queensland Advisory Board John Pinney AM
  • Member for Gladstone Liz Cunningham
  • LGAQ chief executive Greg Hallam
  • Respected journalist and author Madonna King
  • Rockhampton businessman Grant Cassidy
  • Bundaberg businessman David De Paoli

Newman said the breadth of experience and practicality on the committee would ensure all funds raised by the Flood Appeal went where they were needed most.

"I am very pleased to have well-respected, common sense people on the committee who will oversee the distribution of money raised by the Appeal," Mr Newman said.

"Every member has a hands-on approach to getting things done, and that's exactly what we will need as storm and flood affected communities take the first steps towards recovery.

"The Government kick started the Appeal on Monday with a $1 million contribution, and in recent days we've had strong support from the general public and corporate sector, including the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, ANZ Bank, Qantas, Bank of Queensland and Westpac.

"Their generosity is much appreciated, but the level of need in flood hit communities such as Bundaberg, Laidley, Maryborough, the Central Burnett and Rockhampton cannot be underestimated.

"Many communities are also cleaning up from damaging winds caused by ex-Cyclone Oswald and this fund will also help them.

"Thousands of people have lost their homes, their possessions and their livelihoods because of the recent floods and storms, and it will be a long, hard road back to normality for them and their communities.

"I again appeal to all Australians to dig deep to help the families, farmers, businesses and retirees of these storm-hit communities rebuild their shattered lives.

"We cannot underestimate the importance of financial support at times like these and all donations to the Appeal are greatly appreciated."

Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible and can be made by calling 1800 811 700 or visiting

Donations can also be made over the counter at Commonwealth Bank, National Australia Bank, St George Bank, Westpac and the Bank of Queensland.


Source: Hotel Management, 1 February 2013