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TAA brings leading Global education program to Australasian hotels

Australian hotels will have access to the world's leading managerial education program from today, Tourism Accommodation Australia (TAA) has announced.

Tourism Accommodation Australia (TAA) has today launched its much anticipated Education and Training Program in partnership with the internationally recognised American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute (EI).

TAA Managing Director Rodger Powell said "EI is recognised as the pre-eminent leader in hospitality certification delivering quality education and training programs globally" "EI's programs have been designed by hoteliers for hoteliers for 60 years and there are over 80,000 hotel general managers worldwide who are EI graduates".

"We are delighted that EI has accepted TAA as a partner in Australasia and to be able to offer these exceptional training programs to the Hospitality Industry", "this is another significant step towards achieving TAA's strategic plan and delivering on our promises made to the industry when we launched 18 months ago".

The Australian program will be run by Luisa Davidson, appointed Industry Programs Manager by TAA last year to focus on developing TAA's education offering based on feedback from Industry and heads of hotel chains.

EI's exclusive contract includes the internationally recognised Certified Hotel Administrator (CHA) Program which has 80,000 graduates in the USA and Europe and is available in 70 countries.

"This will provide Australian graduates with internationally recognised qualifications that are transferrable from one job to another", Mr Powell said. "We have taken great care in ensuring that the CHA, and all future EI programs are customised to meet Australian-specific needs whilst retaining global relevance".

"CHA is the most valuable certification available to hotel general managers and hospitality professionals alike and will provide them with recognised, targeted professional development focussing on areas of hospitality operations and management, Mr Powell said".

TAA members will enjoy the benefits of this excellent program at a special member's only rate, however, all hospitality employees and employers are welcome to take advantage of the availability of this program.

Australian Head of the Stamford Group, Thomas Ong,  completed the CHA program and said "this was a valuable piece of education, I would recommend it to anyone who wants to develop their hospitality management career".

The CHA course is available online here TAA CHA Program. For more information regarding the TAA Education & Training Programs contact Luisa Davidson, Industry Programs Manager at

TAA Members include Choice, Starwood, Rydges, Hilton, Marriott, Stamford, Rendezvous, Baillie Lodges, Hyatt,  IHG, Wyndham, SilverNeedle, Mirvac, Pan Pacific, Crown, Meriton, Echo , Metro , Grand Chancellor, Carlson Rezidor, Outrigger, Ascott, Langham, Delaware North and Shangri-la.


Source: Tourism Accommodation Association of Australia, 5 February 2013