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Gilchrist Set To Promote Tourism Throughout WA

Regional tourism operators are set to benefit from a new campaign, fronted by former champion Australian cricketer Adam Gilchrist, designed to increase tourism throughout Western Australia.

The 1001 Extraordinary Experiences campaign was launched today by Tourism Minister Kim Hames, Regional Development Minister Brendon Grylls and Mr Gilchrist.


"We want West Australians and visitors to the State to submit photos and share their extraordinary experiences of WA on a dedicated Facebook page," Dr Hames said.


"The best 1,001 entries will be featured on a new website which potential visitors can use to research their travel options and access travel deals. Five WA holidays, each valued at $10,000, are being offered as prizes to give people added incentive to submit their extraordinary photos."


Mr Gilchrist, who is the campaign spokesperson, has submitted the first photograph of a beautiful sunrise over Eagle Bay, in the State's South-West.


"I have visited so many wonderful places within WA since moving here nearly 20 years ago. Eagle Bay is one of my family's favourite spots but there are so many different places and experiences in WA. I'm very proud to be an adopted West Australian," he said.


Mr Grylls said regional WA offered a wide diversity of extraordinary destinations.


"By promoting regional WA, the Government is supporting local communities and tourism businesses, a positive reason for Royalties for Regions funding to be invested in this campaign," he said.


"There are thousands of small tourism operators in regional WA and we are committed to helping them by funding campaigns like this that encourage higher visitor numbers, bolster local economies and make a valuable contribution towards building sustainable communities."


To enter competition, click here.

Entries close 2pm, Thursday March 28th 2013.



Source: Accommodation Association of Australia, 5 February 2013