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WA Hospitality welcomes tourism election commitments

The Australian Hotels Association (WA) (AHA) has today welcomed the tourism policy announcements by WA Liberal and Labor parties to increase investment in Western Australia's tourism and hospitality industry marketing.

The Liberal party has committed to spend an additional $24 million over four years for interstate marketing, and to develop a state-wide food and wine strategy.  WA Labor has committed an additional $3 million for Regional Tourism Organisations (RTOs) and an additional $7.5 million over three years for interstate marketing.

AHA(WA) CEO Mr Bradley Woods said every dollar spent on interstate marketing for Western Australia returns $14 back to local businesses.
"The Liberals commitment to spend an additional $24 million over four years on destionational marketing results in visitors spending an additional $336 million on more than just hospitality and tourism.

"Labor's commitment of $3 million for RTO's is an important investment in WA's regional tourism industry and will be welcome by local hospitality and tourism operators across the state.

"When tourists travel to WA they not only pay for accommodation, food and beverage, but they also purchase clothing and souvenirs in local shops, use transport, go on tours and sightseeing, visit local hairdressers, photographers, car hire and doctors.

"Money spent on marketing WA to visitors from the eastern states is an investment in our local economy.

"Today's commitment by the Liberal party to develop an integrated state-wide food and wine strategy will provide the platform for interstate and international marketing to increase tourists coming to WA.

"An integrated strategy to develop food and wine events state-wide combined with interstate marketing is the kind of support hospitality and tourism businesses have been calling for from the major parties," said Mr Woods.


Source: Australian Hotels Association Western Australia, 8 February 2013