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Easter holiday penalty rates

The Fair Work Ombudsman is urging employers and employees to check pay rates and entitlements that apply to public holidays over the upcoming Easter break.

“Whether you are a business operator preparing for Easter trading or an employee working though Easter, it’s important that you are aware of the public holidays and any penalty rates that apply,” Fair Work Ombudsman, Nicholas Wilson, said today.
Good Friday (29 March) and Easter Monday (1 April) are national public holidays, with some states and territories also declaring Easter Saturday and/or Easter Sunday public holidays.
The applicable public holidays in each state and territory are:
  • ACT/NT/QLD/SA/VIC – Good Friday (29 March), Easter Saturday (30 March) and Easter Monday (1 April)
  • NSW - Good Friday (29 March), Easter Saturday (30 March), Easter Sunday (31 March) and Easter Monday (1 April)
  • TAS/WA - Good Friday (29 March) and Easter Monday (1 April)
Mr Wilson said it is important for employees and employers alike to understand their public holiday rights and responsibilities.
“While most people are looking forward to a break over Easter, many people will be working, and it’s important they receive everything they’re entitled to,” he said.
“Many businesses can’t close their doors over Easter or choose to stay open, and staff working over the public holidays are required to be paid penalty rates that apply under their award or industrial agreement.”
The Fair Work Ombudsman has investigated more than 250 complaints relating to the underpayment of public holiday penalty rates over the last year.
More than $450,000 was recovered for over 230 employees around the country who had been short-changed their public holiday penalty rates.
Employers seeking information and advice on public holidays and penalty rates should call 1300 304 397.
Source: Accommodation Association of Australia, 27 March 2013