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Awards for Excellence nominations are now open

2013 Savour Australia™ Restaurant & Catering HOSTPLUS Awards for Excellence

Nominations are now open!
Nominations for the 2013 Savour Australia™ Restaurant & Catering HOSTPLUS Awards for Excellence are open for both the Restaurant Awards and the Catering Awards.

Download an entry form today!

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South Australia Members: All nominations will be dealt with directly by the SA office.

Postal completed entry forms to:
Restaurant & Catering SA
PO BOX 3261, Rundle Mall, Adelaide, SA, 5000

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Closing Dates and Judging Periods

Below are the closing dates and judging periods for entries in both the Catering Awards and the Restaurant Awards. Please make a note of your regions' entry close date and return your form to Restaurant & Catering either via:

Post: Awards for Excellence, PO Box 121, Surry Hills, NSW, 2010

Fax: 1300 722 396



 Region  Closing Date
 Judging Period
ACT  8 March 2013  Now Open - 31 May 2013
Victoria  15 February 2013  Now Open - 31 May 2013
 Northern NSW  15 March 2013  Now Open - 14 June 2013
 South Australia  22 March 2013  Now Open - 18 May 2013*
 Sydney Metropolitan  12 April 2013  Now Open - 9 August 2013
 Blue Mountains/Central West  12 April 2013  Now Open - 26 July 2013
 Western Australia  12 April 2013  Now Open - 12 July 2013
 Queensland  19 April 2013  Now Open - 2 August 2013
 Southern NSW  19 April 2013  Now Open - 19 July 2013

* Judging period reflects SA Catering entries

And just remember, if you need assistance with completing the entry form, contact the events team or your respective state membership team on 1300 722 878 or email your enquiry to