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Licensees to fight 'ridiculous' ban on shots after 2am

A proposed late-night code of conduct for licensed venues contains "ridiculous" restrictions on standard quantities of alcohol that could be easily dodged, West End licensees say.

The draft code bans "shots" or "shooters" and beverages with more than 30ml of alcohol after midnight in venues operating after 2am.

But the West End Traders Group, which is opposed to the ban, says that whoever drafted the code should visit a licensed premises "and find out what normal drinks are".

It says drinkers could get around the restriction on shots by ordering spirits neat or on the rocks in regular glasses and drinking them quickly.

Shot glasses
Drinkers at Adelaide pubs ands clubs can easily get around late-night bans on shots, West End licensees say.

West End trader Tony Tropeano questioned whether cocktails or pre-mixed drinks would be banned after midnight by the clause limiting drinks to 30ml of spirits.

"Why should a responsible drinker be prohibited from enjoying this type of beverage?" he said.

Business Services and Consumers Minister John Rau called in October for public feedback on changes to liquor licensing regulations aimed at curbing binge drinking and alcohol-fuelled violence, attracting almost 50 submissions.

The changes also propose venues operating after 2am not discount or give away alcohol, not supply more than four drinks to a person at a time, use plastic drinkware and ensure food is available.

The code allows the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner to make exemptions.

Yesterday, Mr Rau said the intentions of the proposed changes were "very clear" but there was "always an element of common sense required" in implementation.

He said the Government was considering the feedback and planned to release a final version of the code within weeks.

Mr Tropeano called for clarification of a stipulation that bartenders not sell a person more than four alcoholic beverages at a time.

"Does this mean that (they) can supply four bottles of wine but not more than four glasses of wine?" he said.

Clubs SA general manager Helen Martin said the restrictions on glassware after midnight would be "completely impractical" for function venues.

"Is it an expectation that at 12.01am the venue removes all glassware from the function and replaces it with tempered or polycarbonate glassware until ... the function ceases?" she said.

Many traders called for a clearer definition of the food venues would have to offer, because this could require new kitchen equipment.


Source: The Daily Telegraph, 31 March 2013