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2013 Hotel Industry Awards for Excellence


The AHA|SA Awards for Excellence are recognised as the most prestigious awards in the hospitality industry, honouring the achievement of excellence in a wide range of categories. This on-going commitment to excellence ensures our State’s hotels are without peer in Australia. South Australian hotels provide patrons with a great range of food and beverage, entertainment, quality accommodation and excellent service.

They are also the perfect place to socialise, be entertained, relax and enjoy living. There is no doubt that South Australian hoteliers and their staff should be proud of the services and facilities they offer.

Now is the time to nominate.

Winners of the Awards for Excellence will be announced at the annual Gala Dinner being held at the Adelaide Entertainment Centre on Tuesday 23 July 2013. The AHA|SA Awards for Excellence is the highlight of the South Australian hotel calendar. Details of this spectacular event will be released in early June. Those successful in specific categories will then have the opportunity to be a finalist in the AHA National Hotel Awards.

To be included in the ‘Awards for Excellence’ judging process you MUST nominate.
Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to showcase your hotels!

Nominations are due Friday 17 May 2013.

For more details contact Lucy at AHA|SA on 8232 4525.

2013 AHASA Awards for Excellence - Call for Entries.pdf