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Organics: more than a halo effect

Australia’s largest organic group Australian Organic welcomes findings that consumers perceive products labeled as organic to be better for them, because it is.

Organic food is not only better because it has been produced without harmful synthetic chemicals; it’s also much better for the environment and the welfare of animals.

United State’s Cornell University researchers labeled identical organic biscuits, potato chips and plain yoghurt, as organic and non organic.

When it asked 144 people to rate the products based on taste, perception and fat content the participants favoured those labeled as organic. Researchers call this a halo effect.

Australian Organic’s Manager Holly Vyner says, “The fact that organics is better for us isn’t just a false belief in our heads. 

“This study looked at peoples’ perceptions of the word organic, it wasn’t about the integrity of the product.’

When it comes to integrity, snacks or not, certified organic foods have it in loads.

Organic snacks don’t contain harmful artificial additives like colours and preservatives, making them healthier for you.

The way organic ingredients are grown and the way organic products are manufactured make organic snack foods a more ethical and healthier choice.

This doesn’t mean that quality ingredients have less calories and fats than non organic ingredients. All foods should be eaten in moderation and the nutritional panels still play an important role in food choices.

Organic sugar will have the same calories as non organic sugar but because it’s grown according to healthy farming guidelines without synthetic chemicals it means it will be better for you and better for the environment.

Holly says, “The Australian Organic Market Report 2012, commissioned by Australian Organic, found the number one perceived benefit of buying organic food is that it is chemical-free, followed by additive-free, environmentally friendly, hormone and antibiotic-free, and finally, has no GMOs.”

Holly says the definition of organic is well understood internationally and Australia is fortunate to have some of the world’s most stringent organic standards.

10 reasons to choose organic

It’s good for you

The average Australian consumes 2kg of food additives each year, many of which are associated with food intolerances, behaviour and learning difficulties for children and illness. Eat organic and you will reduce this significantly. Organic food averages 25% more nutritional value and contains about one-third more cancer-fighting antioxidants than non-organic foods.

It’s good for your children

From the womb to adolescence, your child will benefit from organics. Exposure to insecticides and herbicides during pregnancy and infancy can impact on a child’s foetal and cognitive development. Exposure to pesticides can also interfere with normal hormone development, potentially causing low sperm count in boys and an early onset of puberty in girls.

It’s good for farm animals

Buy organic and you are saying ‘yes’ to a more humane treatment of farm animals and saying ‘no’ to the use of growth hormones, antibiotics and drugs/foods that genetically modify livestock.

It’s good for agriculture

Emissions from the agricultural sector (fertilisers and crop residues) are the second-highest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions in Australia. Organic standards prohibit the use of nitrogen fertilisers, which lowers emissions and provides economic and environmental benefits. Land that is organically farmed is also more resilient to drought.

It’s good for the environment

Over 29,500 tonnes of herbicides, insecticides, fungicides and plant growth regulators are used each year in Australia; buying organics will reduce this and help the environment. If only 1000 medium-sized farms converted to organic production, the carbon stored in the soil would be equivalent to taking 117,440 cars off the road each year.

It’s good for native habitats

Organic farming significantly supports biodiversity, with up to 50% more plant, insect and bird life found on organic farms. This helps to protect native habitats and endangered flora and fauna.

It’s good for the industry

When you buy organic products, you are placing a demand on the industry and community to support the growth of the organic industry from growers through to retailers. And if you insist on only purchasing products with organic certification (the Bud logo), you will be encouraging more producers to promote the integrity of organic certification.

It’s good for our water

Organic farming reduces the amount of chemical runoff and residues which are currently going into our drinking water, waterways and coastal areas.

It’s good for our earth

Organic farming is based on land regeneration and will reduce the acidity levels present in topsoils on many agricultural properties. This will then create more productive cropping land.

It’s good for your taste buds

When you bite into something organic you can be sure the flavour is nothing but natural. It will look the way nature has designed it and taste the way it should – what can be better than that?


Source: Australian Organic, 4 April 2013