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AHA NSW supports nsw small business campaign

AHA NSW has thrown its support behind a new grassroots campaign aimed at promoting the needs of small business in the lead up to the Federal election.

The "Small Business. Too Big to Ignore" campaign was launched in Sydney by thePresident of the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Richard Holyman.

The campaign is backed by chambers of commerce and industry from across Australia and features an advertising campaign and schedule of activities in the lead up to the election on 14 September and beyond.

AHA NSW CEO Paul Nicolaou said the new in itiative was backed by the Association.

"More than 80% of pub owners are mum and dad operators doing it tough in the current economic climate," he said.

"Small businesses including hotels are the backbones of communities - they are facing rising costs on a daily basis while at the same time trying to keep their small businesses afloat.

"We welcome campaigns such as this one, based around reducing Government cost and red-tape burdens, employment reform, tax relief and better infrastructure.

"Small business represents 60% of the workforce and we deserve to have our needs listened to in Canberra."

Fast facts:

  • NSW hotels directly employ more than 75,000 people.
  • The average hotel has a staff of about 28 people.
  • NSW hotels spend $20 million annually training their staff.
  • Hotels donate more than $25 million to charities each year.



Source: Australian Hotels Association NSW, 11 April 2013