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Council moves to curb dodgy backpacker accommodation

The Southern Downs Regional Council in south-east Queensland has agreed to a seven-point plan to crack down on shonky backpacker operators.

It says inspectors have found several cases of overcrowding in homes in Warwick and Stanthorpe recently.

Mayor Peter Blundell says an inspection with the Queensland Fire and Rescue Service found one premise had eight beds in a single car garage with only roller door access.

Many local farms use backpackers to help pick fruit and vegetable crops.

Councillor Blundell says the plan will give the CEO the power to take legal action against landlords who do not provide a safe place for people to stay.

"We're ensuring, by moving this recommendation, that the accommodation that is provided for them while they're staying with us is appropriate, it's safe," he said.

"[We're also ensuring] it doesn't seek to take advantage of large numbers of people paying exorbitant amounts of rent."

Mayor Peter Blundell says if the practice of overcrowding continues, it could lead to disaster.

"It also leads to long-term effects far greater than just within that immediate community and, in fact, it's global," he said.

"When you develop a reputation for not being appropriate in dealing with people that come to visit you, particularly when they're young, particularly if they come from overseas, that reputation is very hard to overcome."


Source: ABC News, 26 April 2013