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$10m bonanza for Cairns to host ATE

201-events-Cairns convention centreCairns will host next year's Australian Tourism Exchange - the largest annual tourism trade event in the southern hemisphere - the first to be held outside a capital city. Tourism Australia boss Andrew McEvoy is expected to publicly announce the details of the 2014 event in Cairns tomorrow [30 April].

The event will bring in an estimated $10 million in spending on hotel rooms, restaurants, and entertainment while providing an economic bonanza for Queensland's $3.8 billion industry. The event is expected to bring in more than 2200 tourism hierarchy for the four day expo and conference many from Australia's key markets of China, New Zealand, Japan and USA.

Cairns will also host as many as 2000 delegates at the G20 Finance Minister's meeting in November 2014.

Queensland's tourism minister Jann Stuckey said the 100 delegates from the Sunshine State this year - more than half from Tropical North Queensland - was the largest of any contingent out of more than 700 buyers from 47 different countries.

In 2012, Queensland attracted 2 million overseas visitors, up by 5% on the previous year. These visitors spent $3.8 billion, up by 2%.


Source: AccomNews, 29 April 2013