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Emerald residents challenge resort expansion

Emerald ResortResidents in Emerald have petitioned to stop a resort's expansion as they believe is used as mining accommodation.

The Pritchard Road Country Resort was bought by Village National Pritchard Properties P/L in April 2012 for $9.9 million and proposed to expand the resort.

But a residents' group believes it is a dishonest attempt by developers to build a mining camp under the name of an existing resort.

Village National business development manager Barry Moore said the resort wasn't a camp. "The village is open to all," he said. "We have road work repairers, railway repair workers, and yes, mining workers staying... we're not a mine camp, we're an in-town accommodation facility no different to a motel.

"Whether they drive to work, come by rail or aircraft is really none of our concern," he said.


Source: AccomNews, 24 April 2013