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Dynamic marketing guru to speak at Foodservice Australia

One of Australia’s leading marketing experts, John Dwyer, will be a keynote speaker at Foodservice Australia on 4 June, with a 90 minute workshop titled ‘How to Attract More Customers More Often to Your Restaurant!’

Dwyer will be sharing his ‘wow marketing formula’ that helped a restaurant in Queensland to increase its profit from $120,000 to $440,000 in just 18 months.

“John Dwyer’s very successful philosophies are logical, pragmatic and achievable for all businesses, including foodservice,” says Stewart White. 

“His engaging strategies and tactics are universally potent in gaining cut-through and achieving success. His session will be a perfect fit with the formidable bank of knowledge the assembled industry gurus will be offering at Foodservice Australia’s Restaurant Theatre.”

Dwyer is perhaps best known for luring Jerry Seinfeld out of retirement to be the spokesman for a small Australian financial institution. He has been providing his marketing wizardry to clients such as News Limited, McDonalds, Caltex, Channel 7, Channel 9, KFC and Westfield for many years.

His business The Institute of Wow specialises in giving businesses "wow factor marketing solutions" to attract new customers and stimulate repetitive trade. He will be revealing his five-step program that any hospitality business can use to attract new clients and get them coming back for more.

Dwyer will be giving his presentation in the Restaurant Theatre at Foodservice Australia at 2.30pm on Tuesday 4 June. Entry is free and booking is not required. However you must register for the exhibition and seating is limited to the first 60 people who arrive.

Foodservice Australia exhibition runs from 2-4 June 2013 at the Royal Exhibition Building in Melbourne. Entry is strictly trade only. For more information and free registration visit