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Accommodation industry congratulates Martin Ferguson

Martin Ferguson is one of the most outstanding Tourism Ministers that Australia has had, according to the accommodation industry.

The Accommodation Association of Australia says Mr Ferguson, who will retire from politics at the next federal election, has left a positive lasting legacy for tourism as a result of his time as Minister from 2007 until earlier this year.

"The accommodation industry congratulates Mr Ferguson on an outstanding career in Parliament and specifically for his role as Minister for Tourism," said the Chief Executive Officer of the Accommodation Association of Australia, Richard Munro.

"Although he had significant portfolio responsibilities, Mr Ferguson always made the time to conduct meaningful consultation with the industry to ensure that the most effective policy outcomes eventuated.

"During this consultation, his passion for creating and lifting employment levels shone through, which is a credit to him.

"Mr Ferguson also had a strong understanding of the public policy settings needed for Australian businesses to be successful. He is also well respected for his in-depth comprehension of the balance required between employment relations and a successful industry.

"Among the many fine achievements during his time as Minister was the development of a long-term plan for tourism, in the form of Tourism 2020, which ranks alongside the Tourism White Paper as one of the best policy blueprints which has ever been compiled for our industry.

"On behalf of employers - and staff - within the accommodation industry, we would like to wish Mr Ferguson and his family the very best for the future and our members look forward to continuing to welcome him and his family as guests."



Source: Accommodation Association of Australia, 30 May 2013