Guillaume Zika, the head chef for four years at two-Michelin-star London restaurant Hibiscus, has bobbed up in Australia.

It isn't a fleeting visit, either - Zika has moved here with his Australian wife and has been quietly putting out feelers for a job.

''I don't want to do Hibiscus food,'' he says. ''I'd like to do upmarket bistro.''

There's something of a Hibiscus reunion going on in Sydney. A graduate of the London restaurant, Michael Baronie, has been appointed front-of-house manager at Arras, where the polished Alon Sharman is departing.

Baronie will have plenty of help at Arras - co-owner and co-chef Lovaine Humphrey is stepping out of the kitchen to take up a role on the floor.



Source: Good Food, 4 June 2013