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Major concerns on 457 visa approach

Statement by Tourism Accommodation Australia (TAA) Managing Director, Rodger Powell.

TAA has serious concerns about the Government’s plans to restrict the use of 457 skilled worker visas, which are critical to the accommodation industry.

In contrast to the over-the-top rhetoric being employed by some members of the government, 457 visas are not taking jobs away from Australians. 457 visas are reserved for workers with specific skills or qualifications in identified areas of shortage in the local workforce.

457 visas are used by a majority of accommodation hotels to fill skills shortages in areas such as cookery and hotel management.

Tightening the screws on 457 visas will do nothing to help Australian workers find jobs, but it will impose yet more red tape and regulation on employers in the accommodation industry that are, in many cases, already struggling to meet the service demands of customers.

If skilled workers that are already in shortage become even harder to access, this will become bad news for the accommodation industry.

We urge the Government to tone down its emotive language, put aside the outrageous demands of the unions and consider the best policy outcome for Australian workers and the national economy.



Source: Tourism Accommodation Australia, 19 June 2013