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NSW hoteliers backs state budget

AHA NSW has supported measures in today’s (18 June) State Budget to directly aid small business by raising the payroll tax threshold as well as measures to boost the tourism industry.

AHA NSW CEO Paul Nicolaou said members welcomed the increase in the payroll tax threshold to $750,000 and the payroll tax rebate of $5,000 - which will apply to businesses who employ new workers for another two years.

“The hotel industry is made up of “mum and dad” operators and any increase in the payroll tax threshold to help small business we obviously welcome,” he said.

“The increase in the threshold from $689,000 to $750,000 means about 1,300 fewer businesses will have to pay payroll tax and the rest will have their tax bill cut by around $3,000 annually.”

Mr Nicolaou also welcomed $130 million dedicated to tourism, major events and business events in this year’s Budget.

“In particular, we welcome $56 million being allocated to help secure major events for NSW and another $46 million to grow the overnight visitor economy in both regional NSW and Sydney,” he said.

“Tourism is a major driver for our economy – last year alone NSW welcomed almost 28 million overnight visitors generating more than $20 billion for the state.

“It is vital this industry is supported and we welcome the Government’s commitment to double overnight expenditure by 2020.”

Mr Nicolaou also welcomed the Government commitment of $15 million in the Budget to address problem gambling through counselling services, research and awareness programs.

“Problem gambling has more than halved in NSW in recent years but we are committed to working with Government to help see that figure drop still further,” he said.



Source: Australian Hotels Association, 18 June 2013