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Reforms to 457 visas should not proceed

The accommodation industry has joined the call for reforms to 457 visas to be scrapped.

Speaking on behalf of the industry, the Accommodation Association of Australia said concerns about rorting of the current system are unfounded.

"Access to labour is one of the biggest challenges confronting accommodation businesses, particularly in regional areas," said the Association's Chief Executive Officer, Richard Munro.

"This was one of the findings of a recent major survey of member accommodation businesses.

"With accommodation providers unable to employ staff, services are being cut back which affects tourism and the visitor economy.

"The Accommodation Association is not aware of evidence showing there are major problems with the current 457 visa system and wherever possible, our industry will always prioritise employing Australians.

"Taking all this into consideration, the accommodation industry is opposed to the reforms and therefore, it does not support the legislation to give effect to the changes which federal Parliament is currently considering."


Source: Accomodation Association of Australia, 19 June 2013