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AHA NSW CEO sleeps out to help the homeless

AHA NSW CEO Paul Nicolaou has raised $85,900 to help the homeless by taking part in the 2013 Vinnies CEO Sleepout charity event on Thursday night (20th June).

Last night’s sleepout raised more than $5 million nationwide for those who have no choice but to brave the winter cold every night.

AHA NSW members cheered on their CEO, backing him with donations to help him finish in the Top 5 fundraisers in NSW for the annual event.

AHA NSW President Scott Leach said the efforts of everyone taking part in the sleepout should be recognised.

“Homelessness is an issue that often loses out to more high profile social problems,” he said.

“But it's there, every night in our cities, in the corners of building, under bridges and in parks we see those less fortunate than ourselves bed down for the night.

“This annual CEO sleepout reminds us there is much to do to assist those that have fallen through the cracks in our society.

“It's a testament to Paul's drive and determination, his family and community values that have resulted in his great fundraising achievement.”

Mr Nicolaou said today he was tired after the event but pleased he was able to do something to directly contribute to raising awareness of the plight of the homeless.

“This really is an extremely worthy cause,” he said.

“It was a privilege to take part and help raise $85,000 to help the homeless in our community.”

AHA NSW donates more than $25 million dollars to charity annually and supports 17,000 community, sporting, charity and religious organisations across the state.



Source: Australian Hotels Association NSW Branch, 21 June 2013