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Council rates should drop

The Western Australian Government’s announcement today of the amalgamation of Perth metropolitan councils should result in a drop in rates throughout Perth.

The Australian Hotels Association (WA) CEO, Mr Bradley Woods, said today “the AHA welcomes the announcement by the State Government to reduce the number of Perth metropolitan councils from 30 to 14 by July 2015.

Mr Woods said that “amalgamating councils was a critical step in achieving substantial efficiencies and economies of scale for Perth, which will result in lower costs for our hotel and hospitality sector, as well as general ratepayers.

“For too long, all ratepayers throughout metropolitan Perth have paid higher rates and charges due to the excessive duplication of Council administration and fragmentation of services.

“Forced amalgamations are now necessary to implement cost saving reforms. Fewer Councils mean lower costs and better decisions, and the WA Government is to be congratulated on taking leadership on this issue.”

The AHA has urged the Opposition Leader, Mark McGowan, to get behind these changes and to support the reduction of rates and charges for all Perth residents.



Source: Australian Hotels Association Western Australia, 30 July 2013