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Cheese &mite Twisties set to get the nation talking

We've seen the king of Australian breakfast spreads used in everything from ice cream to Adriano Zumbo's macarons. Now there is another pretender to throne - Vegemite in Twisties - well almost.

Jars of Ozemite, Vegemite and Aussiemite. Picture: Calum Robertson
Jars of Ozemite, Vegemite and Aussiemite.

Smith's snack foods, owned by multinational PepsiCo, is about to launch "cheese &mite" flavoured Twisties in a limited edition.

Want to try mite-flavoured Twisties?
A look at the new cheese and mite flavoured Twisties.

Experimental flavours such as pizza and different shapes, including wicked cheddar zigzag Twisties, are already trying to reinvent the cheesy favourite of 50 years.

"Twisties limited edition flavours such as pizza and cheeseburger have been great at re-energising consumers' love for the Twisties brand. Our new Twisties Mite builds on this successful trend," senior marketing director, Jenni Dill, said.

Twisties new twist to its line up will only be available in 90g packs in Coles, independent grocery outlets and petrol and convenience stores.

The new "mite" is a challenge to the US Kraft-owned Vegemite, which launched its own Cheesybite, Dick Smith's OzeMite and the independent Aussiemite, which recently found itself in trouble after a controversial online ad showing a sacramental wafer being dipped into a jar of yeast spread during a Catholic mass.

The ad was withdrawn days after its release.

The new Twisties will start appearing in stores over the coming weeks.




Source: Courier Mail, 29 July 2013