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Crowd-funded cafe to expand

Kinfolk cafe, Melbourne, hopes to open new venues.
Kinfolk cafe, Melbourne, hopes to open new venues.  

Kinfolk cafe in the city shares its profits each year with different projects in Melbourne and around the world to help the needy; now its popularity has it turning to crowd-funding site Pozible to fund an expansion.

''We cook on four portable stovetops,'' says Kinfolk general manager Jarrod Briffa, explaining that while that was fine when they first opened and were cooking 60 to 80 meals a day, they are now ''feeding over 200 people a day, it's getting a bit too small''.

The plan is to build a commercial kitchen, extend the seating of the 40-seater by 30 per cent and continue to support and expand their volunteer program.

To make a donation or find out more about Kinfolk, go to



Source:Good Food, 6 August 2013