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AHA NSW raises a glass to ACCI small business campaign

 A national advocacy campaign to support small business in Australia was endorsed by the Australian Hotels Association NSW at an industry launch in a Sydney pub today.

In the lead-up to the Federal election, the AHA NSW joined with the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) Chief Executive Peter Anderson to launch the “Small Business Too Big to Ignore” campaign at the Republic Hotel in Sydney.

AHA NSW CEO Paul Nicolaou said the ACCI small business campaign was vital to highlight important issues and challenges facing hotels across Australia.

“While some hotels are large scale operations, the vast majority of NSW pubs are small, locally-owned businesses proudly serving their surrounding communities – that’s why this pre-election campaign is so crucial to our sector.”

“Also, around one third of the AHA’s members are located in regional areas, where hotels play central roles as a social hub, a provider of food, entertainment and banking services and a community meeting place.”

To support the ACCI campaign, Mr Nicolaou said more than 100,000 coasters will be distributed to hotel and pub venues across Australia.

“AHA NSW – a member of ACCI – will spread the word far and wide across Australia about this important, innovative small business advocacy campaign to improve competitiveness,” Mr Nicolaou said.

A key focus of the campaign’s ‘BIG 4’ issues includes Making it Easier to Employ People, which Mr Nicolaou said was essential for the hotel industry, which is a significant contributor to the national economy, both in terms of supporting local suppliers and by employing some 300,000 Australians.

Mr Anderson welcomed the AHA and its members to the campaign, and said “we hope whenever someone lifts their glass this election they look at one of these coasters and spares a thought for the hardworking small business men and women that serve their drinks and their community.”

To find out more about the “Small Business Too Big to Ignore” campaign, visit



Source: Australian Hotels Association, NSW, 15 August 2013