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McDonald's goes to court seeking damages over Tecoma construction delays

A Melbourne court has been told protesters against a McDonald's restaurant planned for the Dandenong Ranges object to being singled out by the company.

The fast food giant took out a court injunction against eight people involved in protesting at the site in Tecoma.

Lawyers for the group have told the Supreme Court those identified by McDonald's do not necessarily represent the whole of the protest group.

The company submitted they acted all together in trespassing and being a nuisance at the site.

McDonald's is seeking damages for the delays in construction.

More than 1,000 residents of Tecoma and the Yarra Ranges Shire Council objected to the having the restaurant in their town.

Protesters occupied the site for four weeks, after the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) gave the company permission to open a store in the town.



Source: ABC News, 27 August 2013