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Deal is only for motel

Yeppoon's Bayview Tower restaurateur Vic Vajda is getting a good deal in the view of body corporate treasurer Adrian Powell.

Mr Powell said yesterday that Mr Vajda, in the report published in last week's Morning Bulletin, failed to mention that he was in breach of his contract.

"It (contract) states that the food and dining services by the letting agent may only be provided to owners and occupiers of lots or their guests and not to others outside of the motel, for example the general public," Mr Powell said.

"The $350 a week which he states is for a small section in the courtyard is actually for the majority of the ground floor, including two dining rooms, kitchen, and toilets, so it's a very large area," he said.

Mr Powell said it was not a bad deal considering market value would be far more than $1000 a week.

"Mr Vajda also failed to mention that the unit holders pay the majority of all the expenses including air-conditioning, power, rates, water, all repair and replacement of all the equipment to run his restaurant," he said.

"How many restaurants have this deal?" Mr Powell said.

"Functions and weddings, Mr Vajda charges $350 per restaurant for the event plus food and drink, but unfortunately while Mr Vajda is laughing all the way to the bank, unit holders are struggling to pay their corporate fees."

Mr Powell said although Mr Vajda stated it would not be sustainable to cater to in-house guests only, it was very successful when it was under previous management rights and catered to in-house guests only.

"I don't know where Mt Vajda got his information about Body Corporate voting on increasing the rent at the meeting, but I was in attendance along with several others who deny this allegation," Mr Powell said.

"When all is said and done Mr Vajda was given the option to review his lease and accept running charges but declines so therefore it was his choice to close."


Source: The Morning Bulletin, 24th May 2012