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Push for help fighting bars, bottle shops

A community defender's office should be established under the liquor law so residents, schools and hospitals can fight a flood of unwanted bars and bottle shops, an alliance of medical and research groups says.

The number of active liquor licences in NSW jumped 13 per cent between 2008 and 2011, with councils across Sydney complaining that the community is locked out of decision-making and does not have the resources to fight applications from cashed-up companies.

The NSW Alcohol Policy Alliance, which includes the NSW Police Association, Australian Medical Association and hospital and surgeon groups, has called for a defender's office to be funded through the introduction of annual licence fees for pubs and clubs.

A report to be released on Thursday at a forum at NSW Parliament has found the community impact statements lodged by liquor licence applicants are often misleading while spot checks by the regulator have revealed many pubs and hotels don't tell communities - giving them no chance to object.

A community defender's office would notify communities of a new licence application, help prepare affidavits and gather data needed to challenge a new licence under complex rules.

''NSW communities are demanding a say in liquor licensing decisions but are increasingly frustrated at being locked out by a process that is unfairly weighted in favour of the alcohol industry,'' said Michael Thorn, chief executive of the Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education.

Fairfield City Council told a review of the Liquor Act it is ''very difficult'' for the community to challenge a licence proposal.

Manly Council told the review ''the default position seems to be in favour of the applicant''. Councillor Cathy Griffin said the community impact statements submitted by liquor licence applicants were ''ridiculous''.

Applicants were only required to provide the location of nearby schools, churches and hospitals, not the views of these groups. The only way a community discovered an application had been lodged was if they happened to see an A4 piece of paper stuck on a building, she said.

Manly Council uses its planning powers to alert community groups if a development application for a new pub or restaurant is received. Any objections go to an independent panel. Cr Griffin said the NSW government should adopt the same approach for liquor licences.

Residents on Thursday took objections to a restaurant Justin Hemmes plans to open on the Manly wharf to an independent hearing. It ruled the project could proceed but must address noise and environmental concerns.

Kandy Tagg, who spoke at the hearing, says she is not opposed to liquor licences but is concerned ''more big bars bring more drinking, more violence, more noise and more community disruption''.

An Office of Trade and Investment spokesman said it was inappropriate to comment while the liquor law was being reviewed.




Source: The Sydney Morning Herald, 20 October 2013