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Fire destroys part of Royal Mail in Dunkeld

Fire has destroyed part of the award-winning Royal Mail Hotel complex in Victoria's west.

A Country Fire Authority spokeswoman said a large convention centre at the hotel's property in Dunkeld, near Hamilton, was completely gutted by fire about 2.20am on Thursday.

The hotel portion of the complex, which was awarded three chef's hats in The Age Good Food Guide in 2012 and 2013, was not damaged in the fire.

The Royal Mail Hotel's convention centre in Dunkeld has been razed.
The Royal Mail Hotel's convention centre in Dunkeld has been razed.

CFA operations officer Bruce Farquharson said there was also no need to evacuate the accommodation portion of the complex.

Everything was damaged by the time the call came in,” he said. “It was contained very quickly.”

Mr Farquharson said the $1 million convention centre had been “totally destroyed”.

The blaze was brought under control in approximately 40 minutes, with about 25 firefighters on the scene.

A fire investigator will work to determine the cause of the blaze.



Source: Good Food, 31 October 2013